Need help finding your style?
“I have a big chest, short legs, wide hips, strong arms, I’m too old, I’m too young, I’m too tall, I’m too short… Above all, I’m confused by the flood of new, fashionable pieces and the fact that nothing fits me at the same time!”
Who is to say what we can and cannot wear? Our style is the sum of OUR choices. Some rules created years ago may not fit the person we are today.
However, our decisions about what to wear should be based on looking and feeling our best. And the truth is – not all cuts and not all combinations suit us. So it’s useful to know which clothes enhance certain parts of the body, and how to hide the parts we’re less happy with. Above all, which combinations and colours express who you are and how you live.
Have you found your perfect hairstyle yet?
We often see our hair as a reflection of our own identity. Many women feel that a bad hair day is worse than an average day and our self-confidence takes a serious hit when we look in the mirror. This deeply personal relationship between hair and self-image can be seen throughout history, philosophy and even religion.
Did you know that the average woman spends about 40,000 euros on her hair in her lifetime, often on the wrong choices?!
Hairstyles have a profound effect on how we feel, not only because many of us believe that appearance is important, but also because hair represents our personality, thoughts and beliefs. For centuries, women have been able to play different roles by changing different hairstyles, and their stories show that hair contributes greatly to women’s self-esteem, actions and motives.
Not sure which colours are ideal for you?
When looking for the ideal colours, it is important to consider your unique personality and physical characteristics. The right colours can enhance your natural beauty, improve your appearance and give you more confidence.